Clinical Cases

Case Symptoms and Presentation
A 32 year old from Nicaragua with a large tumor in the knee

FJ is a 32-year-old father of two small children who presented to the local hospital in Nicaragua with a painful tumor in the left distal femur. A biopsy was made and the diagnosis was giant cell tumor. The patient was told that he needed an amputation, but he refused.

A 25 year old pilot with arm pain

This healthy male was treated for an expansile lesion of the left humeral diaphysis at age 13. At age 25, pain recurred, and xrays show a large new lesion with weakening of the bone.

Radical fasciectomy for plantar fibroma

This 54 year old professional male is very active. He has had a mass on both feet for 20 years or more. The mass on the left has always been larger and is now problematic because of pain and swelling after activities.

Transillumination as a dignostic test for foot and ankle tumors

This 44 year old woman has a 3.5 by 4 cm mass on the lateral distal portion of the foot. Can a definite diagnosis be made right away in the clinic, without a complicated and expensive work up? Read on.

An 11 year old boy with left arm pain - 2

This boy just had his 11th birthday, and he has pain in the left arm above the elbow, with pain at night, mild improvement with various pain medications, and no history of injury, fevers, or previous illness of any kind. A biopsy has been done.

A mass on the big toe for more than 10 years

This 69 year old male has a mass on the lateral aspect of the great toe for at least 10 years. The mass has now gotten large enough to be troublesome. The lesion is not painful. It is fleshly, and moderately soft.

A 58 year old man with a right proximal tibia lesion

This 58 year old man has right knee pain, and a lesion in the anterior part of the right tibia near the tibial tubercle.

An 11 year old boy with left arm pain

This boy just had his 11th birthday, and he has pain in the left arm above the elbow, with pain at night, mild improvement with various pain medications, and no history of injury, fevers, or previous illness of any kind.

A woman from Athens with pain in the left shoulder for 3 years

Female Caucasian , 59 y.o Pain in the left shoulder the last 3 years.
Aggravation the last 6 months, but no night pain.

A young adult with a massive femoral tumor

This young adult has a massive femoral tumor. No further information is available. However, the appearance is very distinctive and may be diagnostic.

A 90 year old woman with 3 weeks of foot pain

This delightful 90-year-old woman has pain in the right foot, in the midfoot at the base of the second and third metatarsals. There is a lesion on the x-rays and on the MRI in that area. The patient has a history of nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma 6 years ago.

A 55 year old Greek woman with foot pain and a bone lesion

The patient is a 55 y.o female with pain on the base of the 1st metatarsal. She has difficulty on weight bearing leading to an antalgic gait.

A 36 year old woman with a "thick foot"

This active and fit 36 year old woman has been practicing mixed martial arts and kickboxing. She says her right foot has been "thick" and swollen for about 6 months.

Calcifications in the flexor hallucis brevis

This generally healthy 36-year-old woman has calcifications in the tissues plantar to the first metatarsal. There is no history of injury.

A mysterious lesion in the tibia

This healthy and active 56 year old woman has a painless lesion in the distal tibia. The lesion was discovered on an MRI that was performed for unrelated foot pain. The lesion is totally invisible on the xray, but easily seen on the MRI.

Frozen shoulder or something else?

The patient is a 62-year-old woman who is seen because of a mass in the right shoulder. She states that her symptoms began approximately two years ago, with stiffness. She had limited motion and was told that she might have a frozen shoulder.

That's Gotta Hurt! A painless mass in the thigh

The patient is a very pleasant 86 y/o woman. She says there is absolutely no pain in the thigh She denies any weakness in the right leg. She feels fine, and her appetitie is good, but she has lost 15 lbs in the past few months. Examination of the thigh shows normal mobility of the hip and normal mobility of the knee, and the strength in the two legs is roughly equal.

A painful skin lesion next to the toenail

The patient has a painful skin lesion on the dorsolateral surface of the left second toe, adjacent to the base of the left second toenail. The lesion does not have any visible pigmentation. It has a raised, red, scaly appearance with the overlying skin coming off in small flakes. It has been present at least one year, with slow growth.

A lesion in the talus of an 88 year old woman with 2 previous tumors

This 88 year old woman has dementia, left ankle pain, and a lesion in the left talus. There was treatment for two different tumors approximately 10 years ago, but further details are not available. The local exam shows swelling and tenderness, but no redness, no old incisions or scars,and moderate tenderness generalized around the ankle. The patient is afebrile.

A young man with a worrisome tibial lesion

This 18 year old male has pain in the shin for 4 months. The pain is exacerbated by his ongoing training for the "iron man" competition. Examination of the tibia shows there slight point tenderness, but no mass or swelling. No regional lymphadenopathy. Knee exam is normal.