Case Identification
Case ID Number
Tumor Type
Body region
Position within the bone
Benign or Malignant
Clinical case information
Case presentation
The patient is a very pleasant woman who states that she bumped her forearm on the right side approximately 2 years ago, and has noticed a lump there since then. She believes it has not changed in size, but it has become more painful.
Examination shows that there is a palpable but ill-defined mass on the ulnar border of the forearm, about midshaft. It feels to be about 3 cm in length. It is tender. There is no pulsations and no warmth. No regional or central lymphadenopathy. No associated skin lesion.
Radiological findings:
X-rays show that there is a lesion in the superficial cortex of the ulna, in the same place as the palpable bump, with lytic destruction of the cortex of the ulna and an expansile mass with a very thin periosteal shell.

Case ID Number
Image Types
Image modality
Tumor Name
Example Image
Tumor Type
Benign or Malignant
Body region
Bone name
Location in the bone
periosteal reaction
position within the bone
Tumor behavior
Tumor density