We receive no commercial sponsorship and have no financial ties with any commercial entity related to the content of this website. We welcome your comments, and especially your contributions.
Bonetumor.org is the creation of Dr. Henry DeGroot III, M.D., F.A.A.O.S., and the bonetumor.org team. Henry DeGroot III, is the principal author and creator of this site. He has received valuable assistance from others over the years, as noted below. Dr. DeGroot is an Instructor in Orthopaedic Surgery at the Tufts Medical School, as well as an Associate Clinical Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. He teaches orthopaedics, orthopaedic oncology, and foot and ankle surgery.
The website has been added to over the years by a number of talented individuals. Contributors include Charlene Baron, Barbara Banner M.D., Patricia Davis, Eric Wallace MS4, Emre Demircay M.D., Liviu Iovanescu, M.D., Bruce Ellison M.D.,Todd O'Brien, MS4, Beverly Stickles, M.D., Daniel Weiswasser MS4, Jack Wixted M.D., and Jeffery Luna, MD., and others.
Thanks to Jessica Gibson (Smith College 2013) and Priya Raja (University of Chicago 2013) for voluntering to help with transferring the text and images from the old site to the new site, an ardouous task completed in 2009. Good luck in college!
Special kudos go out to Elsa Arocho ( University of Puerto Rico Medical School 2012) who has done an enormous amount of work to translate the site into Spanish. Thanks also to Sofia Uzunishvili for tons of hard work related to deployment of the new site.
Extra kudos go to Kimberly Chao (UConn 2013) and Ashley Verceles (UC Santa Barbara '07) for their tireless efforts during summer of 2010 to add clinical cases, track down missing images, stamp out 404 errors and post Spanish language pages to the site.

Dr. Henry DeGroot got his M.D. degree from the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, and then completed a residency in orthopaedic surgery at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. Following his residency he completed a Harvard University fellowship in musculoskeletal oncology at the Massachusetts General Hospital and the Children's Hospital in Boston. He was a visiting fellow in orthopedic oncology at the Rizzoli Institute at the University of Bologna, Italy. Dr. DeGroot practices orthopedic surgery in Boston, USA. Henry DeGroot is a member of the faculty of the Tufts University Medical School and the University of Massachusetts Medical School, but this site is not maintained or sponsored by either institution. The content of the site is the sole property of Dr. DeGroot.
Patients with bone and soft tissue tumors visit his office from all over the USA, and he has seen tumor patients from all over the world. For patients who cannot travel to our offices, it may be possible to arrange a consultation in cooperation with your primary care doctor.
For administrative matters, please contact the author.
Special thanks go to all the patients who agreed to be a part of this project. You know who you are, and we know what you have been through.