Case Identification
Case ID Number
Tumor Type
Body region
Position within the bone
Benign or Malignant
Clinical case information
Case presentation
A 35 year old auto mechanic whose wife had just had their first baby presented with severe pain in the distal femur. Subsequent work up showed multiple ipsilateral lesions. Pathology images from a similar lesion are shown.
Radiological findings:
The initial work-up revealed multiple lesions in both lower extremities, including a lesion in the mid-diaphysis of the ipsilateral tibia and two lesions in the contralateral femur. A CT scan of the chest showed pulmonary nodules.
Differential Diagnosis
metastatic adenocarcinoma, metastatic sarcoma, multiple myeloma (very rare in this age group)
Pathology results:
Images are from a similar tumor

Secret Tumor Name
Case ID Number
Image Types
Image modality
Tumor Name
Benign or Malignant